This list represents the reported issues resolved in Autodesk Revit 2017 within build: 20190507_1515. The issues are listed based upon discipline and feature.
2017.0.5 Security Fix
To align with industry best practices for security and data integrity, Autodesk Identity Services and Revit Cloud Models Services, will move to Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 and stop supporting TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 on August 3, 2019. Action may be required to update your software to maintain access to certain product functionality or features. To maintain connectivity, follow the instructions below. If your software is affected and is not updated, connectivity issues may occur as of August 3, 2019. The update to allow the following feature functionality to be utilized is available in the Revit 2017.0.5 Security Fix. (The Revit 2017.2.5 Security Fix is available for subscription users.)
• Revit Cloud Worksharing
• Personal Accelerator (PAC) for Revit Cloud Worksharing
• Communicator
• Energy Analysis
• Dynamo Package Search/Upload
2017.0.4 Security Fix
Fixed a security vulnerability in communicating with web services.
Upgraded AdWebService to enable alternate user authentication methods.
2017.0.3 Update
Contains an update to the FBX SDK and provides a number of security improvements related to processing FBX, DAE, 3DS, and DXF format files.
Service Pack 2
Correct an issue where an alignment lock would not appear when using the align tool with the centerline of wall cores.
Corrects an issue with complex fonts not displaying correctly on Microsoft Windows 10.
Corrects an issue were text nested in a family would not print via raster printing.
Corrects an issue that caused identical copies of an assembly, within copies of a mass, to incorrectly get new names.
Corrects an issue where Purge Unused could show some DirectShape element types that were still in use.
Improves stability when upgrading a project which contains corrupted elements.
Improved stability when working with families which contain invalid IDs.
Improves stability during graphics regeneration.
Improves stability when material folder is not found.
Improves stability and slow performance of the materials browser caused by poor performance during rendering of material thumbnail previews.
Improved stability when closing the Material Browser dialog.
Improves stability when copying families with an incorrect material definition.
Improves stability when the view extents minimum is greater than the maximum.
User Interface
Improves stability of the Ribbon and WPF components when the workstation does not properly support WPF's use of Hardware Acceleration.
Improves stability when associating a view filter with grid filtering based upon project parameters.
Corrects an issue causing the keyboard shortcut for View Range to incorrectly allow modification of the View Range when a View Template is applied to the view.
Improves stability when the central model was upgraded from a previous version, and then saved back to itself without checking 'Make this a Central Model after Save' in the Save dialog.
Improves stability when sketching stair elements.
Improves the reported elevation on rolled round straights.
Improves the size tag view behavior by indicating the width x depth dimensions as per the current view.
Adds support for mechanical tees in the Route and Fill Cut-In feature.
Insulation and Lining
Improves stability when opening a project containing insulation/lining.
Improves stability when calling schedule APIs.
Improves stability when auditing corrupt files with contain extensible storage.
Corrects an issue which caused corruption when there is an exception during event registration.
Service Pack 1
Corrects the positioning of shared nested family instances in a host family.
Improves performance when the "Allow Navigation During Redraw" option is enabled.
Improves stability when an .rvt file is drag/dropped onto Revit.exe which launches in WARP (software) mode.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Corrects an issue with truncated keyboard shortcut names in the status bar.
Linked RVT Files
Improves stability when reloading linked projects.
Improves stability while placing masses in a model.
Corrects an issue in which the preview image within the Initial Color dialog for lighting fixtures is missing when Revit is installed on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 systems.
Corrects an issue which prevents saving of projects when a product crash occurred.
Corrects visibility of the Associate Family Parameter tooltip.
Corrects an issue which allows the association of global parameters to built-in family type parameters before a value has been entered into the family type parameter.
Point Clouds
Enables snapping to point clouds.
Corrects an issue where hatch patterns from linked underlay elements were printing but not displayed.
Corrects an issue causing some wall tags and duct tags to not print during batch plot.
Corrects an issue where printing the visible portion of window while a non-rectangular crop region is defined causes model geometry to disappear.
Renames "Standard" from the schedules formatting tab to "No calculation".
Corrects an issue in which Revit hangs when editing a text parameter in the schedule if the drop-down list contains an empty line.
Improves stability when sync with central while editing text in a schedule.
Improves stability when editing text in schedule.
User Interface
Allows the column width of the type properties dialog to continue to be adjustable.
Corrects an issue that could cause Revit to hang when the focus is switched to a dialog.
Corrects an issue when using properties dialog in group edit mode.
Improves stability when launching tools from the Quick Access Toolbar while working in Family Editor.
Improves stability when exiting Revit during startup.
Improves stability when running an energy simulation that uses overrides for Schematic Types.
Improves stability when placing stairs in floor plan views.
Improves stability when editing a wall assembly.
Improves stability when using automatic wall joins.
Improves the alignment accuracy of straight runs when using the Optimize Straights feature.
Improves the edge line display on rising/falling insulated pipe tees.
Corrects an issue that could cause fittings to be deleted when reloading a Fabrication configuration.
Improves placement of Combo fittings in sloped pipe systems.
Enables services to be swapped on fabrication parts if valid.
Enables quick connection tool within section and elevation views.
Improves stability when using the Quick Connect tool on transition fittings that are connected as taps.
System Browser
Improves stability when deleting items through the System Browser.
Improves stability when closing a view while the System Browser is open.
Improves stability when upgrading a project that contains a family with a nested pipe or duct fitting or accessory.
Corrects an issue with rebar numbering when the rebar is contained within a group.
Reinforcement - Couplers
Corrects an issue with rebar couplers when modifying bar parameters using the Properties palette.
Corrects an issue with rebar couplers when using the space bar to rotate a rebar element.
Reinforcement - Rebar
Improves stability when changing views during rebar sketch.
Corrects an issue which caused the API sample BRepBuilderExample from compiling.
Improves stability when importing geometry with many faces using the API.
Adds a SDK sample for BrepBuilder usage.
Improves performance when creating thousands of pipes through API.